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Ashtabula County, OH Public Records

In compliance with Ohio Public Records Act, the Ashtabula County government provides access to public records. Ashtabula County government maintains a transparency portal that allows residents to search public records such as agendas and meetings, financial reports, county events, and public notices. Note this portal does not maintain vital records and land records. The Ashtabula County Health Department maintains vital records, including birth and death certificates. Members of the public can obtain a copy of vital records by visiting the Ashtabula County Health Department's vital statistics section and choosing the appropriate public records request prompt. The Ashtabula County Recorder's Office is responsible for all land records related to ownership and lien. The public can access these records using the land records search portal. Alternatively, requesters may contact the Recorder's Office at (440)576-3767.

Courts in Ashtabula County

Court Records in Ashtabula County, Ohio

The Ashtabula County trial court system consists of the Court of Common Pleas and various county courts. All information regarding court cases, proceedings, and administrative processes within this system is maintained as court records. In Ashtabula County, court records can be accessed at the courthouse where the case was handled. Additionally, the Ashtabula County Clerk of Courts provides an online records search portal that allows users to view records from both the Court of Common Pleas and the 11th District Court of Appeals. Alternatively, individuals can find case information and judgments from the Ashtabula County Court of Common Pleas through the statewide Court of Common Pleas case search portal. Furthermore, to access criminal records of individuals in the county, requesters must submit a criminal record request along with a fingerprint impression sheet to the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, or to any of their authorized agents.

Court Name:
25 West Jefferson Street
110 West 44th Street

Jails and Prisons in Ashtabula County

Find Inmate Search and Jail Records in Ashtabula County, Ohio

Ashtabula County is home to a county jail and the Lake Erie Correctional Institution. The county jail is managed by the Sheriff's Office, while Lake Erie Correctional serves as the minimum and medium security facility for men. CoreCivic maintains and owns the facility, and is held under contract by the Dept of Rehabilitation and Correction in the state of Ohio. Residents can locate an inmate in the county jail by contacting the jail administrator at (440) 576-3510. Likewise, residents can locate an inmate in Lake Erie Correctional Institution by calling (440) 599-4100. Requesters may also use the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections offender search portal to find an inmate in any state correctional facility. Requesters must provide the inmate's six-digit offender or DOC number with a necessary prefix to locate the inmate.

Jails and Prisons Name:
25 West Jefferson Street

Police Departments and Sheriff Offices in Ashtabula County

Arrest Records in Ashtabula County, Ohio

Arrest records are details of individual arrests made by law enforcement agencies in the county. The Sheriff's Office maintains these records, and police departments include but are not limited to the City of Ashtabula police department, the City of Conneaut police department, and Ohio State Troopers. Anyone interested in obtaining arrest records must directly contact the agency responsible for the arrest. Arrest records maintained by the Sheriff's Office can be obtained by visiting the 25 West Jefferson Street, Jefferson, OH 44047 office. Arrest records maintained by the City of Ashtabula police department can be obtained by sending a record request to the records clerk via email. The City of Ashtabula, police department records clerk, will reveal the arrest information of an individual arrested by the Ashtabula City Police Department at no cost.

Police Departments Name:

Popular Cities in Ashtabula

  • Andover
  • Ashtabula
  • Austinburg
  • Conneaut
  • Dorset
  • Geneva
  • Jefferson
  • Kingsville
  • North Kingsville
  • Orwell
  • Pierpont
  • Rock Creek
  • Rome
  • Unionville
  • Williamsfield
  • Windsor