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Richland County, OH Public Records

Per Ohio Public Records Act, residents of Richland County have the right to request access to public records. As such, anyone in the county can inspect and copy public records, provided no laws prevent them from doing so. To access records, interested persons are advised to contact the custodian of the public record they require. The Vital Statistics Division of Richland County Health Department maintains vital records such as birth and death certificates. Vital records are public records in Richland County. Anyone who can submit the basic facts of a record may request a copy. Eligible persons can order a birth certificate from the Division online, while death certificates can be requested by calling (419)774-4500. It's important to note that the Richland Health Department does not maintain marriage or divorce records. Marriage records are available at the Probate Court. Interested persons can obtain marriage records by calling 419-774-5540. Other public records related to real estate ownership can be obtained from the Richland County Recorder's Office online.

Courts in Richland County

Court Records in Richland County, Ohio

The Richland County Clerk of Courts is the custodian of court records. To view the documents, requesters may visit the Clerk's office in person to look at paper records. Alternatively, requesters may search court records remotely using the eCourt view public portal maintained by the Clerk's office. The case information on this website is generated from computerized records maintained by the Richland County Clerk of Courts and is deemed public information. Anyone who seeks information about cases handled by the county's Court of Common Pleas may consider visiting the statewide Court of Common Pleas case search portal. Those seeking access to criminal records in the county may submit a criminal record request and a fingerprint impression sheet to the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation. For more information concerning obtaining a criminal record in Ohio, call (877)224-0043.

Court Name:
30 North Diamond St

Jails and Prisons in Richland County

Find Inmate Search and Jail Records in Richland County, Ohio

Richland County is home to several correctional facilities, including the county jail, the Richland County Correctional Institution, and the Mansfield Correctional Institution. To access jail records in the county, individuals must contact the administrator of the appropriate facility. Residents of Richland County can use the "Who's In Jail" portal maintained by the Sheriff's Office to locate inmates in the county jail. For records of incarcerated individuals in the Richland County Correctional Institution, please call (419) 526-2100. For inmate records at the Mansfield Correctional Institution, contact (419) 525-4455. The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections manages both facilities. The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections offers an offender search portal for information about inmates in state correctional facilities. Users can search for inmates by entering their six-digit offender or DOC number.

Jails and Prisons Name:
1150 North Main Street
73 East Second Street

Police Departments and Sheriff Offices in Richland County

Arrest Records in Richland County, Ohio

In Richland County, arrest records that detail the facts and circumstances of an individual's arrest are considered public information and available upon request. These records are generated by the Sheriff's Office and police departments, including but not limited to Mansfield PD, Ontario PD, and Shelby PD. Anyone interested in these records may contact the agency responsible for the arrest. Arrest records maintained by the Sheriff's Office Records Division are obtained by submitting a record request to the division via email.

Police Departments Name:

Popular Cities in Richland

  • Bellville
  • Butler
  • Lucas
  • Mansfield
  • Ontario
  • Shelby
  • Shiloh