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Muskingum County, OH Public Records

According to the Ohio Public Records Act, residents of Muskingum County can inspect and copy public records. Public records in the county typically include but are not limited to arrest, court, divorce, birth, death, election, and land records. Interested persons can obtain these records by contacting the agency or office serving as the custodian of the specific record they need. Vital records such as birth and death certificates are maintained and issued by the Zanesville-Muskingum Health Department. Interested persons can request vital records online, in person, or by mail. All in-person requests are completed at 205 North, 7th Street, Zanesville, OH 43701, Monday through Friday, from 8.00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Anyone who does not wish to visit the office may download, complete, and mail a vital records application form alongside payment to 205 North, 7th Street, Zanesville, OH 43701. The Muskingum County Recorder's Office maintains records of deeds, mortgages, leases, and liens. Interested persons can search these records on the public search portal maintained by the Recorder's Office.

Courts in Muskingum County

Court Records in Muskingum County, Ohio

Muskingum County county court records are available at the courthouse where a case was handled. These records can be accessed in person by visiting the courthouse. Requesters are advised to contact the courthouse clerk to confirm the availability of records before the visit. All records of the county's Common Pleas Court and the 5th District Appellate Court of Ohio are maintained by the Clerk of Courts. These records are available on the public search portal maintained by the Clerk of Courts. Residents can access case information files and documents remotely through the statewide Court of Common Pleas case search portal. This portal includes civil and criminal case files from the county's Common Pleas Court but does not provide criminal records. To obtain criminal records, individuals must submit a criminal record request along with a fingerprint impression sheet to the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation.

Court Name:
332 South Street

Jails and Prisons in Muskingum County

Find Inmate Search and Jail Records in Muskingum County, Ohio

In Muskingum County, the public can access jail records and find out who is in jail by contacting the Jail Administrator Office at (740) 455-7133. Residents of Muskingum County may locate inmates in state correctional facilities using the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections offender search portal. This portal allows users to find inmates by providing their six-digit offender or DOC number.

Jails and Prisons Name:
28 N. 4th Street

Police Departments and Sheriff Offices in Muskingum County

Arrest Records in Muskingum County, Ohio

In Muskingum County, arrest records are considered public information available upon request. This means that anyone can request access to these records. However, It's important to note that arrest records may be exempt from public disclosure if they contain confidential information or may affect an ongoing investigation. The Sheriff's Office generates Muskingum County arrest records, and police departments include but are not limited to the Zanesville police department, Southern police department, and Ohio State Troopers. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of the arrest record may contact the law enforcement agency responsible for the arrest. Arrest records maintained by the Sheriff's Office can be obtained in person at 1840 East Pike, Zanesville, OH 43701.

Police Departments Name:

Popular Cities in Muskingum

  • Adamsville
  • Blue Rock
  • Chandlersville
  • Dresden
  • Duncan Falls
  • East Fultonham
  • Frazeysburg
  • Fultonham
  • Hopewell
  • Nashport
  • New Concord
  • Norwich
  • Philo
  • Roseville
  • Trinway
  • White Cottage
  • Zanesville